The Importance of Early Screening and Intervention

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If you are concerned about your child's development or if they show signs of autism, ask your pediatrician or family physician for guidance and screening.  The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children get screened for autism at their 18 and 24-month exams.  For more information on how autism is diagnosed or how pediatricians screen for autism, visit for additional information.

It is very important to understand that screening for autism is not necessarily a diagnosis.  For more information regarding the different screening tools providers may use click here.  

In addition to early screening and diagnosis, research has proven that early intervention can improve student outcomes in the areas of language skills, emotional intelligence, and positive social interactions, as well as help children gain independence. For information on Alabama's Early Intervention System (EI), visit the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services for referral information and office locations.
