Architectural picture of AIDB North Campus

Alabama Freedom Center for the Blind (AFCB)

  • In alliance with the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services, AFCB is one of nine, national adult residential Structured Discovery programs. Fostering confidence-building in travel, braille, technology, independent living and employment; offices and classrooms at AIDB North Campus will serve, train and house 19 students.

Decatur Regional Center

  • Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind (AIDB) will expand its network of Regional Centers by developing the Decatur Regional Center (DRC) on the AIDB North Campus. By reconfiguring the service delivery areas of the Huntsville and Shoals Regional Centers, the DRC will provide services throughout the lifespan to residents who are Deaf, Blind and DeafBlind living in Cullman, Limestone, Lawrence, and Morgan counties. Staff from the Huntsville and Shoals Regional Centers will alternate days working in the Decatur Regional Center. The team will include:  Directors, Case Managers for the Deaf, Case Managers for the Blind, Job Developer, Assistive Technology Trainer, Interpreters, Administrative Support Assistants, Driver Aide, Alabama Telecommunication Access Program Clerk, and Early Intervention Service Coordinators.  The addition of the Decatur Regional Center will provide AIDB with an opportunity to identify and serve more consumers and offer a quality independent living program that will benefit all of North Alabama.

NTID Regional STEM Center (NRSC)

  • NRSC facilitates multiple activities within the Huntsville region. As such, several NRSC staff are based in the Huntsville area and several others frequently have extended stays in the Huntsville area. AIDB North Campus will allow these staff to have office space within the facility while growing programs within Phase II. Staff Include: Interpreter Coordinator, STEM Trainer- Cyber-Security, STEM Trainer- Robotics (2) and other STEM Instructors on itinerant basis. 

Gallaudet Regional Center/Regional Early Acquisition of Language (REAL) program

  • Gallaudet University is interested in placing a Regional Center Director at the AIDB-N location. A regional presence by Gallaudet will allow for increased resources for students and clients with hearing difference. This regional program is currently slated to serve 12 states in the South. In addition to the Gallaudet Regional Center, the REAL program serves 9 Southeastern states and would benefit from an increased presence at the AIDB-N location. Staff include: Gallaudet Regional Center Director, Assistant to the Director, REAL Program EI/Family Service Provider.

  • Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind

    Our Mission: To provide comprehensive education and service programs of superior quality to children and adults who are deaf, blind, deafblind and multidisabled and their families.