AIDB Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind Logo. Short-Term Programs. Deaf. Blind. Limitless
  • AIDB Outreach Services: Short-Term Programs


    Application Process

    Applicants may be referred by a parent or guardian, school personnel, AIDB regional center staff, or other professional working with the student. However, a parent or guardian must fill out and return the appropriate application and consent forms in order to proceed with the process.

    Have additional questions or concerns? Please email at or call Jessica Chapa, Director, at 256-761-3858.


    Step 1 - 

    Applications for Short-Term Programs  may be submitted in one of the following ways:

    • Parents or guardians may apply for Short-Term Programs courses using our fully electronic packet, available here.
    • Educational professionals completing a referral must ensure that parents or guardians have completed the Referral and Consent for Services form beforehand and are ready to upload it.


    Step 2 - 

    • The Director will receive the referral form and after reviewing the form, will then forward it to an STP teacher.
    • The STP teacher will make contact via email to set up a date and time to conduct an in-depth interview regarding the student. (The student should not be present for this meeting.)
    • The parent will receive a packet with medical forms (via email or mail) that will need to be completed by a physician and returned as soon as possible. (A determination of program acceptance can not be made until these forms have been submitted and reviewed.)


    Step 3 - 

    • The STP staff will convene to determine whether the student meets enrollment criteria. Following the interview, the STP teacher will email the TVI, parent/guardian, and student to communicate the decision and outcome. If accepted, additional forms must be completed by both the TVI and parent/guardian to finalize the student's enrollment in the program.

    Additional Services through the Outreach Unit!


    The AIDB Outreach unit encompasses the following: Instructional Services, RISE Autism, the Alabama Initiative for Children and Youth Who Are DeafBlind, and Short-Term Programs.  This unit was designed to assist teachers and service providers with appropriately serving students with sensory differences who are not attending our K-12 campus programs.  Applicants may be referred by a parent or guardian, school personnel, AIDB regional center staff, or other professional working with the child. However, a parent or guardian must fill out and return the appropriate application and consent forms for services to be rendered.  



    • Observation
    • Consultation
    • Evaluation
    • Professional development
    • And more! 

    Parents or guardians may fill out and sign paperwork.  The forms may be scanned and uploaded by the parent themselves or by the referral source using this link.

    For more information, email us at

Group of high school students in a golf cart pretending to drive. The driver has her white cane hanging out the front window.
Middle school aged students and teachers sitting at a round table working on different AT devices.