Gallaudet University Regional Center South
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Looking for something specific?
Contact Candi Milcznski if you are looking for a specific professional development opportunity. Here’s a list of workshops she has offered. If there’s something specific you’re looking for that is not listed, please contact her!
Language Rich Environment
3-6 hours (Professionals)
Instead of thinking "Least Restrictive Environment", professionals will learn more about how the environment impacts children's language development and language learning. They will evaluate their current environment to see its impact on their students. They will understand the importance of creating Language Rich Environment and analyze the process of creating one. Professionals will leave the workshop with a "plan" of implementation in their environment.
NOTE- Developing a plan will require 5-6 hours of workshop.
Language Acquisition
1-2 hours (Families/Professionals)
Professionals and/or families will learn more on the foundation and acquisition of language. They will recognize the correlation between language acquisition and academic skills. They will leave the workshop with a better understanding of how children acquire language.
Monitoring Language Development
3-5 hours (Families/Professionals)
Professionals and/or Families will learn more language development milestones. They will compare age-appropriate development and skills with academic readiness/success outcome. They will learn more about different kinds of monitoring tools to best monitor every child's language development. They will brainstorm different possible acitvities/strategies to support the child's language development/progress. They will leave the workshop with a list of different monitoring tools and come up with a "plan" of how to monitor their students' language development.
Language Milestones
1.5 hours (Families/Professionals)
Professionals and/or Families will learn more language development milestones for both English and ASL. They will take a look at age-appropriate language development. They will learn more about different ways to best monitor and track every child's language development. They will learn different possible acitvities/strategies to support the child's language development/progress. They will leave the workshop with a list of different monitoring tools, strategies, and and be able to track their child's language development to ensure they are meeting the language milestones.
Language Assessment Tools
1-3 hours (Families/Professionals)
Professionals and/or Families will learn more language assessment tools. They will identify appropriate assessment tool to best assess the child's language development. They will compare the language assessment result with academic success outcomes. They will learn more about different kinds of language assessment tools to best assess every child's language development. They will leave the workshop being able to get a glimpse of how to interpret the data from the assessment and identify recommendations that will support the child's linguistic and academic success.
Self Advocacy
2-4 hours (Students)
Students will learn why it is important to advocate for themselves. They will learn different strategies and approaches to how to ask for specific things, communicate their feelings, and respond to certain situations. They will apply what they learned to real-world scenarios. They will leave the workshop with a better understanding of their self-worthiness and how to be clear with others to advocate for themselves.
1-2 hours (Families/Professionals)
Professionals and/or Families will learn more about how self-advocacy skills are a crucial part of a child's experience. They will analyze the current behavior of their students/children and see how self-support/ impacts that. They will learn different strategies for how to support/teach self-advocacy skills.
Job/College Preparation
2-5 hours (Students)
College and work may be an overwhelming topic for students to process. Through this workshop, they will learn different possible options they can choose and aim for. They will gain knowledge in different fields that are available out there. They will also understand the importance of planning their future. They will be doing an "assessment" to better understand their strengths and areas of weaknesses and to see possible recommendations for their career/college majors. They will leave the workshop with a better understanding of how to best prepare and plan for their future.
1-3 hours (Families)
Families will learn more about the options that they and their child have when graduating from high school. They will have a better understanding of what opportunities are available out there for their child, whether it is for college, vocational school, or a job. They will make a connection of their child's transition plan with their outcome/plan. They will leave the workshop with a list of different resources that are available for them, including for their families and children's rights and opportunities.
NOTE- I do recommend this for any children age group-- parents need to be informed as early as possible and have this kind of workshop from time to time as their child gets older (will be focusing on specific areas depending on their child's age group).
Be the Game Changer!
2-4 hours (Families/Professionals)
Professionals and/or Families may become overwhelmed getting so much information, ideas, suggestions, etc. from the experts. This workshop will help them process all the information they have learned/collected and put it into their own action plan to put that information into "action". They will have a better understanding of how to "evaluate" themselves and their environment to ensure a positive impact/experience for the child(ren). They will leave the workshop with their own action plan on how to make a greater impact on their child(ren)'s lives.
Language Communication Plan
2-5 hours (Families/Professionals)
Families and/or Professionals will learn more about the Language Communication Plan (LCP). They will learn more about language and communication opportunities for the child. With information they already have of the child, they will interpret the data and draft a plan that will best support the child's language process/acquisition according to the accessibility of the language/communication. They will leave the workshop with a draft of one child's LCP.
NOTE- The LCP writing part would require a full multidisciplinary team to write a formal/solid one.
Student-Centered Learning
1-3 hours (Professionals)
Professionals will learn more about the impact that student-centered instruction has on students and their academic skill acquisition and language development. They will compare and contrast student-centered and curriculum-centered instruction. They will leave the workshop being able to analyze their current curriculum/materials and make them more student-centered instruction.
Student Learning Types
4-8 hours (Professionals)
Professionals will learn about different learning theories and types of learning and schemas. During the workshop, they will do a child study together to identify theories, types of learning and schemas and create a plan to best support the child. They will leave the workshop being able to analyze their students and the instructional plan/materials to develop a better plan/materials (if needed) to support students they work with.
NOTE- Child study work will require a 7-8 hour workshop.
Visual Communication Sign Language Assessment Overview
1-2 hours (Fmilies/Professionals)
Professionals and/or Families will learn more about Visual Communication Sign Language Assessment tools. They will see the impact of assessment data on their academic readiness. They will leave the workshop with a better understanding of why it is important to assess deaf/hard of hearing children of their language development.
Quality of Language
2 hours (Families/Professionals)
Professionals and/or Families will learn more about the quality of language. They will have a better understanding of different forms of communication. They will compare and contrast different qualities of languages. They will analyze how the quality impacts their child(ren)'s language development. They will leave the workshop being able to analyze the quality of language when they express and receive language.
The Whole Child: Considering Deaf/Hard of Hearing/DeafBlind
1-2 hours (Families)
Families will learn more about whole child approach. They will understand the importance of paying attention to each child development domain that's beyond language. Families will learn how to best support each domain with different strategies. They will leave the workshop being able to best support their children's development as a whole.
The Whole Team: Supporting Deaf/Hard of Hearing Child
1-2 hours (Families/Professionals)
Families and/or Professionals will learn how to work together as a team to best support the deaf/hard of hearing child(ren). IEP/IFSP plays a vital role in their education. They will have a better understanding of how IEP/IFSPs should be written, including accommodation, goals, and services. The Language Communication Plan/Profile will also be mentioned as part of IEP/IFSP to best support the child's language usage and development. Having a strong team will support a Deaf/Hard of Hearing child(ren)'s academic and language development. They will leave the workshop with a better understanding of what to look for and what their role is as part of the team.
IEP/IFSP Development
1-2 hours (Professionals)
Professionals will learn how to develop an IEP/IFSP that best serve the child they are working with. They will recognize the vital sections of the IEP/IFSP that have an impact on the child. They will have a deeper understanding of what each section means. Based on the current IEP/IFSP they wrote, they will identify gaps they currently have and create an "action plan" on how to eliminate those gaps in their future IEP/IFSP development. They will leave this workshop with a deeper understanding of IEP/IFSP; they will be able to complete each section throughout and accurately with all necessary information.