Sports give children an opportunity to participate in a group, experiencing physical and mental challenges in a safe environment. Athletic achievements in school can set patterns of behavior for a lifetime of healthy activity. Most of all, joining a team helps children feel like they belong, building self-esteem and confidence at a critical stage.
From the earliest recreational play days to the inception in 1961-62 of the very first wrestling, track and cheerleading squads, then throughout the last 50 years, Alabama School for the Blind has been a leader – and has educated future leaders – thanks to the efforts and hard work of talented faculty, administration, coaches, students and their families. At Alabama School for the Blind, most of our students wouldn’t make it onto an athletic team at their local public school. Whether wrestling or track, cheerleading or goalball, here at ASB, not only do they have an opportunity to make a team and compete, they can excel.
In 2012, ASB celebrated 50 years of athletics. We continue to define such core values as honor, leadership and teamwork – values on which the ASB athletics program was founded.