American Sign Language Classes
American Sign Language (ASL) Classes are offered throughout the year at the AIDB Birmingham Regional Center. There is also a separate class for Spanish-speaking families. Community ASL Classes meet in the evenings once a week for 7 weeks. Classes meet at the Birmingham Regional Center with ASL I, ASL II, and ASL III offered. Please call 205-328-3989 if you are interested!
- Tuition: $70 (fee reduced for individuals who have an immediate family member who is Deaf, Hard of Hearing or DeafBlind, call for more info)
- Textbooks: No textbook is required, but Internet access is helpful. We use the curriculum at
- Eligibility: Students may enroll at age 15. No children under age 15 are permitted in the classroom.
- Special Contracts: A growing number of organizations are interested in having their staff learn sign language to improve communication in the workplace. Special classes, tailored to meet the organization’s needs, can be arranged at the work location. For more information, contact (205) 328-3989 or our ASL Teacher at
- Sorry, We are unable to accept credit cards at this time. Checks or money orders only, payable to AIDB-Birmingham.
Refund Policy: No refunds after the second night of class.
My Family & Me ASL Classes - (CLICK HERE TO REGISTER)
Next Session: Typically the 3rd Saturday of the month at 9:30 AM (December's class will be held on the 2nd Saturday due to the holidays.)
American Sign Language Classes that are designed for infants, toddlers and preschoolers & their families. Class meets once monthly. See flyer/registration form for dates.
Fee - $10 per family per class. The fee will be waived for families currently receiving Early Intervention services, those that have an immediate family member who is Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or DeafBlind, or that has an immediate family member who uses ASL as their primary form of communication.
Please call 205-328-3989 for more information.