If you give a kid a cane ...
Save the date!
Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
For information about:
- Volunteering email alcanequest@aidb.org with the subject line Amber James and Dionne Ulmer.
- Completing the 2019 Parent Permission Forms and 2019 Contestant forms (only certified O&M professionals complete the contestant form) email alcanequest@aidb.
org with the subject line Danny Fuller. - Being a presenter, sponsor, or donor email alcanquest@aidb.org with the subject line Melody Brown.
Become a volunteer
There are many different capacities in which you can help ensure the success of this great event.
The Alabama Initiative for Children and Youth who are Deaf-Blindis a proud partner of Alabama Cane Quest !
Donate today
Please click here and designate "CANE QUEST" when giving to the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind