Sign Language Interpreter Services

- Birmingham
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Autumn Anderson

- Emily Cain

- Lydia Leno
The AIDB Birmingham Regional Center offers interpreter services in Blount, Chilton, Shelby, Jefferson and Walker Counties to allow Deaf individuals equal access to the same information provided to their hearing peers. To arrange for an interpreter, please call and ask for the Interpreter Coordinator. OR Fill out the form on this page.
What is a Sign Language Interpreter?
A Sign Language Interpreter is an individual who can interpret spoken English into American Sign Language, as well as interpret signed language into spoken English. The Interpreter should be qualified to meet the communication needs of both consumers.
AIDB refers only to qualified Interpreters to provide interpreting services. According to Alabama law, a qualified interpreter is one who holds either a License or Permits with the State of Alabama Licensure Board for Interpreters and Transliterators. In cases where a licensed interpreter is not available, a permitted Interpreter will be assigned to provide services according to the level of skill.
What hours are interpreters available through AIDB?
We offer interpreting services 24 hours a day. However, whenever possible, an interpreter should be scheduled several days in advance during normal office hours.
What is ADA and what impact does it have on interpreting services?
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title II, assures that people who are Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing will have the same access as other citizens to services, programs, and activities provided by state and local governments and other public entities.