• Do you like to talk on the telephone but get frustrated because you can't understand the conversation? Is it challenging to see the small buttons on your current home telephone or hard to see the displays?  If the answer is yes, you may be interested in a telephone through the ATAP program.

    The ATAP program provides individuals with a free telephone specifically designed to help with any of these difficulties. The specialized telephones are FREE to people who meet the eligibility requirements listed below. 

    Eligibility Requirements:

    • Must be an Alabama resident
    • Must be hard of hearing, deaf, blind, visually impaired, DeafBlind, or speech-disabled
    • Must meet income requirements for household
    • If you meet the first two eligibility requirements above and want to know if your income meets the requirement, contact AIDB Opelika Regional Center at 334-759-6960.

    How to Apply:

    • Click Here to Apply Online!
    • Contact your local Case Manager for the Deaf or Case Manager for the Blind at the AIDB Opelika Regional Center at 334-759-6960.


  • ATAP Clerk, North
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